Sunday, September 15, 2013

Tarot Card Cheat Sheet

O-   Fool- start of the journey, risk
I-     Magician- New Beginnings, expect magic and surprise
II-    High Priestess- Guidance, Wisdom, Intuition
III-   Empress- Creativity, Kindness, Security
IV-   Emperor- Authority, Responsibility, Mastery
V-    Hierophant- Professional advice, contracts, formal marriage
VI-   Lovers- Love commitment, choice, decision
VII-  Chariot- willpower, obstacles overcome, ambitious
VIII- Justice- balance, composure, legal matters
IX-   Hermit-Wisdom, inner search, outer search
X-    Wheel of Fortune- Fate,Good luck, Karma
XI-   Strength- emotional strength, physical strength, self control
XII-   Hangman- sacrifice, devotion, deprivation
XIII-  Death- change, ending, new way of life
XIV-  Temperance- calm, patient, enduring
XV-   Devil- weird experiences, anger, difficulty
XVI-  Tower- Overwhelm, struggle, conflict
XVII- Star- Optimistic, love, healing
XVIII-Moon- confusion, observing, sad
XIX-   Sun- happiness, cheerful, carefree
XX-    Judgment- analysis, insight, conclusion 
XXI-   World- Completion, Triumphant, culmination
Wands - element Fire - Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Fire = Action, the spirit
Ace Wands - plans, ambition, desires
2 Wands - motivation, reason, attainment
3 Wands - support, provide, champion
4 Wands - meaningful, manifest, develop
5 Wands - minor problems, struggle, exploit
6 Wands - victory, conquest, win
7 Wands - challenge,tenacity, fearless
8 Wands - activity, journey, movement
9 Wands - endurance, perseverance, longevity
10 Wands - burdens, obligations, responsibilities
Fire sign person or characteristics of card
Page Wands - young m/f or messenger, dispatcher, attendant
Knight Wands - young male or hesitate, suspend, standstill
Queen Wands - female or effective, forceful, vibrant
King Wands - male or dynamic, productive, accomplished
Pentacles - element Earth - Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Earth = Prosperity, the body
Ace Pentacles - success, well-being, fortunate
2 Pentacles - adaptable, changeable, versatile
3 Pentacles - concepts, ideas, planning
4 Pentacles - cautious, mindful, careful
5 Pentacles - neediness, lack, poverty
6 Pentacles - charity, gift, beneficence
7 Pentacles - risk, gamble, adventure
8 Pentacles - skill, employment, career
9 Pentacles - ambitious, acquire, income
10 Pentacles-attainment, profit, benefit
Earth sign person or characteristics of card
Page Pentacles - youth f/m or willpower, determination, purpose
Knight Pentacles - young male or constructive, practical, functional
Queen Pentacles - female or rewarding, useful, worthwhile
King Pentacles - male or acquisitive, money-making, worldly
Swords - element Air - Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Air = intellect, the mind  
Ace Swords - intensity, focus, power
2 Swords - calm, agreement, truce
3 Swords - sorrow, separation, regret
4 Swords - improving, isolation, recovery
5 Swords - adversary, competitor, rival
6 Swords - improvement, passage, journey
7 Swords - foresight, new plans, confidence
8 Swords - restriction, limitation, inhibition
9 Swords - anxiety, despair, anguish
10 Swords-trouble, sorrow, suffering
Air sign person or characteristics of card
Page Swords - youth m/f or introspective, self-analysis, shy
Knight Swords - young male or retroactive, nostalgic, background
Queen Swords - female or consideration, discussion, understanding
King Swords - male or commanding, powerful, strategic
Cups - element Water - Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Water = feelings, the heart
Ace Cups - love, devotion, spirituality
2 Cups - love, friendship, marriage
3 Cups - celebration, ceremony, occasion
4 Cups - dispirited, forlorn, sad
5 Cups - partial loss, disappointment, disheartened
6 Cups - memories, childhood, remembrance
7 Cups - dream, fantasy, desire
8 Cups - departure, withdrawal, temptation
9 Cups - happiness,enchanted, euphoria
10 Cups-fulfillment, joy, contentment,
Water sign person or characteristics of card
Page Cups - youth m/f or supportive, congenial, nurture
Knight Cups -  young male or  proposal, present, supplier
Queen Cups - female or loving, gentle, yielding
King Cups - male or desire, passion, demand

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