Sunday, September 15, 2013

Page of Wands - Feelings

Immaturity in some situations. Children or young people represent Pages. Someone might feel like they don't wanna have kids yet. Or that you act immature like a kid. Maybe you're feeling so good you feel like a kid. The Page of Wands has a walking stick. Do you feel like you need one yourself, or that you should go hiking one day? This card is also based on mixed feelings or being easily distracted and I have some just looking at it. I would be worried getting this card in a reading. All Pages are technically messengers and it's meaning could generally mean one of two things.
Somebody has some good news for you. This is a positive card. It could be a business or marriage proposal. And, its doesn't always mean literally getting married. Marriage is an easier word for explaining the possibility of a union of some sort. Somebody feels they should be uniting with you on some level. Or, vice versa. Maybe its a phone call, text, email, fax, etc. and the two of you merge together somehow by meeting and talking, texting, emailing, etc. Wands are fire and fire burns fast.

It could also be a fast thought. I say it could be someone interested in you romantically and it could be by someone who falls in love but also out of love very quickly. Someone has a fickle heart. They might see you and think "damn they're hot", and then whistle blow or holler at you like "What's good shawty?" from afar while you're walking down the street, it could be a simple wink or quick message on a dating website or Facebook, etc. and you completely ignore them so they feel like "well fuck that bitch then". And they act like a "child" by getting even and doing the same to you.

Problem is... they move on as quickly as they became interested. Maybe they're a player, or have ADD, or both and you don't give them the reciprocated attention they want right away because you're not interested right then and there, or you live too far away and they have to find another way of getting satisfied so they move on to the next person.

Maybe they were chasing you and you didn't give them the time or day so they just moved on and now you're coming around. Basically they're tellin you to fuck off now. This page isn't always positive because Wands are fire. It could be rage. They might feel like you blew them off and now they're pissed off at you.

Maybe they have genuine feelings of interest but will always keep you on the backburner because they're lookin for something better to come their way. They might feel like if they don't jump on the next opportunity they could miss something special or better.

It goes the same for any other situation like work or friendships. You could feel like you don't want to commit too  much to one job because there might be a better one around the corner if you keep lookin around applying at other businesses. Or with friendships, same thing, you or someone else might feel like you  might be bored as fuck in your tight circle of friends and you need some new people in your life to change the status quo of your boring ass life.


  1. I like how you talk straight. That's bad ass. I don't have to guess about what this card means anymore (Y)

  2. I really like this interpretation, so spot on! Thank you!

  3. I really like this interpretation, so spot on! Thank you!

  4. I like watt Twaine said = we like your straight talk & keeping it real ~ ! ~ just BANGiN them OUT!!! Thank U
