Sunday, September 15, 2013

Multiples and Pairs in Tarot Readings



4 Tens – Responsibilities are weighing heavily on you or your partner
3 Tens – Difficult times are coming to an end
4 Nines – Extreme isolation
3 Nines – An important relationship lesson is being successfully integrated
4 Eights – Powerful and rapid changes, usually positive
3 Eights – You and your beloved are going on a trip
4 Sevens – A deeply spiritual relationship
3 Sevens – Good luck 
4 Sixes – A soulmate relationship that goes back many incarnations
3 Sixes – Great pleasure
4 Fives – Diversity and flexibility, an ability to go with the flow
3 Fives - Internal and external conflicts, bad luck
4 Fours – Lasting stability, possibly after a house move or moving in together
3 Fours – A house move
4 Threes – A relationship centred around creative projects and raising children
3 Threes – Cheating, excessive flirting, lack of commitment
4 Twos – Life-long commitment
3 Twos – A wedding
4 Aces – A complete first, a new type of lover or relationship, starting over
3 Aces – Extreme luck, pregnancy


Tens – Ending of a relationship or phase in the relationship
Nines – One of you needs to spend time alone
Eights – You will receive news that affect the relationship
Sevens – Self-confidence issues may cause instability in the relationship
Sixes – Issues surrounding equality may affect the relationship
Fives – Constant bickering, backstabbing and ill will from others affect the relationship
Fours – House repairs or looking to move house
Threes – One of you are craving more change and excitement
Twos – Harmonious changes and communication
, the need to make a choice
Aces – A new partnership


Court Cards:

4 - Groups of young people or students, school
3 - Parties, noisy events, young society
2 - Trouble through friends, arguments, fights

4 - Action, male force, speedy action, meetings with men
3 - Adult parties, invitations, dinners
2 - Meeting old friends, reunions, competition between men

4 - Entertainment, female authorities or influence
3 - Female group gatherings, supportive and helpful associations
2 - Gossip and secrets between friends, backstabbing, competition

4 - Public honors, powerful gatherings, important and successful business
3 - Groups of men, powerful or influential friendships/partnerships, unexpected news
2 - Business partnership, cooperation, competition

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I'm a bit confused as to how I'd interpret this. I started writing all these down in my Book of Shadows, but when I got to the meanings of the court cards, I got really confused. When would this list be of use when doing tarot? Is the question the customer would ask be "how does he/she/they really feel about ____"? Or would the question the customer asks be something else? Please write me back as soon as you can, thank you. -Kristaul
