Saturday, September 14, 2013

10 of Swords - Feelings

(My apologies, I made this post years ago and included the wrong picture. This is the correct one.)
10 is associated as the number of completion. Something ends, but, something also begins. As far as feelings go, they don't wanna be friends/lovers with you anymore. Wants to end things. OR Wants a new beginning - to move on from the past with/without you. Maybe they don't care anymore. Maybe they're done with you. No positive feelings at all. You stabbed them in the back too many times. Or they stabbed YOU in the back one too many times - whether they know it or not - and they just don't give a fuck either way. You mean nothing to them - anymore. OR, depending on the question, it could be an ending about how they feel - meaning: they have transitioned from one level to the next. Whether romantically or platonically, starting over ain't worth shit to them. They don't want to. The friendship/relationship ain't goin nowhere. They feel like the bridge is burnt for good and they're happier without you around. They moved on and they're happier.

Or, vice versa and this is how you feel. Or, maybe you need to feel/do this. These thoughts are all possible. I know it seems like when you read this I go from bad to good and back and forth. It's the ideas that come into my head at the time while I'm typing. This card could mean a number of things but main focus is completion/ending, etc.

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