Sunday, September 15, 2013

Page of Wands - Feelings

Immaturity in some situations. Children or young people represent Pages. Someone might feel like they don't wanna have kids yet. Or that you act immature like a kid. Maybe you're feeling so good you feel like a kid. The Page of Wands has a walking stick. Do you feel like you need one yourself, or that you should go hiking one day? This card is also based on mixed feelings or being easily distracted and I have some just looking at it. I would be worried getting this card in a reading. All Pages are technically messengers and it's meaning could generally mean one of two things.
Somebody has some good news for you. This is a positive card. It could be a business or marriage proposal. And, its doesn't always mean literally getting married. Marriage is an easier word for explaining the possibility of a union of some sort. Somebody feels they should be uniting with you on some level. Or, vice versa. Maybe its a phone call, text, email, fax, etc. and the two of you merge together somehow by meeting and talking, texting, emailing, etc. Wands are fire and fire burns fast.

It could also be a fast thought. I say it could be someone interested in you romantically and it could be by someone who falls in love but also out of love very quickly. Someone has a fickle heart. They might see you and think "damn they're hot", and then whistle blow or holler at you like "What's good shawty?" from afar while you're walking down the street, it could be a simple wink or quick message on a dating website or Facebook, etc. and you completely ignore them so they feel like "well fuck that bitch then". And they act like a "child" by getting even and doing the same to you.

Problem is... they move on as quickly as they became interested. Maybe they're a player, or have ADD, or both and you don't give them the reciprocated attention they want right away because you're not interested right then and there, or you live too far away and they have to find another way of getting satisfied so they move on to the next person.

Maybe they were chasing you and you didn't give them the time or day so they just moved on and now you're coming around. Basically they're tellin you to fuck off now. This page isn't always positive because Wands are fire. It could be rage. They might feel like you blew them off and now they're pissed off at you.

Maybe they have genuine feelings of interest but will always keep you on the backburner because they're lookin for something better to come their way. They might feel like if they don't jump on the next opportunity they could miss something special or better.

It goes the same for any other situation like work or friendships. You could feel like you don't want to commit too  much to one job because there might be a better one around the corner if you keep lookin around applying at other businesses. Or with friendships, same thing, you or someone else might feel like you  might be bored as fuck in your tight circle of friends and you need some new people in your life to change the status quo of your boring ass life.

4 of Pentacles - Feelings

He/She/They might have feelings but they don't want to tell you. Or you've become someone who's clingy, that needs to know every move they make and they don't wanna tell you. Back off'em. Maybe they're naturally a closed off person. Either way, it don't look like they're gonna tell you anything regarding feelings anytime soon so don't hold your breath.

You can put the idea in your head that maybe they're a sheltered person or that they wanna shelter you and hold you close and love you.. blah, blah, blah. But, the 4 of Pents isn't really a romantic card or even a communication card. It's really about being greedy or closed off. Even at its best its saying "Maybe" because, yes, it is possible to have feelings. But, who the hell wants to wait around for that anyway? As advice I say, this is a new day and age ladies and gents so get the fuck off your high horse and open your mouth. You don't even have to do it old school all up in their face. There's soo many ways to communicate with somebody.. THE INTERNET people. Helloo! It's so easy (*smack across your face*). Man up! Can't have swag being closed off. That's gangster shit. But they gotta reason for being that way so that's an exception.

Anyway, if this is a crush you have.. aww that's cute.. grab some balls and ask them yourself how they feel because they might be too chicken-shit to come to you. If you're asking about how someone feels in general like someone you're already with, a co-worker, or even a friend maybe, then yeah.. they're holding something in and not telling you how they really feel. But, be careful though, because whatever they have to say might shock you if they are feelin some type of way - good or bad.

If this is how you feel than you gotta get out more and open up. Learn to be more social or find creative ways to share your personal information that not only shuts other people up but its not too revealing. Not everyone is out to get you. Don't be afraid to speak and be yourself because that's when you know who you're real friends are.

Multiples and Pairs in Tarot Readings



4 Tens – Responsibilities are weighing heavily on you or your partner
3 Tens – Difficult times are coming to an end
4 Nines – Extreme isolation
3 Nines – An important relationship lesson is being successfully integrated
4 Eights – Powerful and rapid changes, usually positive
3 Eights – You and your beloved are going on a trip
4 Sevens – A deeply spiritual relationship
3 Sevens – Good luck 
4 Sixes – A soulmate relationship that goes back many incarnations
3 Sixes – Great pleasure
4 Fives – Diversity and flexibility, an ability to go with the flow
3 Fives - Internal and external conflicts, bad luck
4 Fours – Lasting stability, possibly after a house move or moving in together
3 Fours – A house move
4 Threes – A relationship centred around creative projects and raising children
3 Threes – Cheating, excessive flirting, lack of commitment
4 Twos – Life-long commitment
3 Twos – A wedding
4 Aces – A complete first, a new type of lover or relationship, starting over
3 Aces – Extreme luck, pregnancy


Tens – Ending of a relationship or phase in the relationship
Nines – One of you needs to spend time alone
Eights – You will receive news that affect the relationship
Sevens – Self-confidence issues may cause instability in the relationship
Sixes – Issues surrounding equality may affect the relationship
Fives – Constant bickering, backstabbing and ill will from others affect the relationship
Fours – House repairs or looking to move house
Threes – One of you are craving more change and excitement
Twos – Harmonious changes and communication
, the need to make a choice
Aces – A new partnership


Court Cards:

4 - Groups of young people or students, school
3 - Parties, noisy events, young society
2 - Trouble through friends, arguments, fights

4 - Action, male force, speedy action, meetings with men
3 - Adult parties, invitations, dinners
2 - Meeting old friends, reunions, competition between men

4 - Entertainment, female authorities or influence
3 - Female group gatherings, supportive and helpful associations
2 - Gossip and secrets between friends, backstabbing, competition

4 - Public honors, powerful gatherings, important and successful business
3 - Groups of men, powerful or influential friendships/partnerships, unexpected news
2 - Business partnership, cooperation, competition

Tarot Card Cheat Sheet

O-   Fool- start of the journey, risk
I-     Magician- New Beginnings, expect magic and surprise
II-    High Priestess- Guidance, Wisdom, Intuition
III-   Empress- Creativity, Kindness, Security
IV-   Emperor- Authority, Responsibility, Mastery
V-    Hierophant- Professional advice, contracts, formal marriage
VI-   Lovers- Love commitment, choice, decision
VII-  Chariot- willpower, obstacles overcome, ambitious
VIII- Justice- balance, composure, legal matters
IX-   Hermit-Wisdom, inner search, outer search
X-    Wheel of Fortune- Fate,Good luck, Karma
XI-   Strength- emotional strength, physical strength, self control
XII-   Hangman- sacrifice, devotion, deprivation
XIII-  Death- change, ending, new way of life
XIV-  Temperance- calm, patient, enduring
XV-   Devil- weird experiences, anger, difficulty
XVI-  Tower- Overwhelm, struggle, conflict
XVII- Star- Optimistic, love, healing
XVIII-Moon- confusion, observing, sad
XIX-   Sun- happiness, cheerful, carefree
XX-    Judgment- analysis, insight, conclusion 
XXI-   World- Completion, Triumphant, culmination
Wands - element Fire - Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Fire = Action, the spirit
Ace Wands - plans, ambition, desires
2 Wands - motivation, reason, attainment
3 Wands - support, provide, champion
4 Wands - meaningful, manifest, develop
5 Wands - minor problems, struggle, exploit
6 Wands - victory, conquest, win
7 Wands - challenge,tenacity, fearless
8 Wands - activity, journey, movement
9 Wands - endurance, perseverance, longevity
10 Wands - burdens, obligations, responsibilities
Fire sign person or characteristics of card
Page Wands - young m/f or messenger, dispatcher, attendant
Knight Wands - young male or hesitate, suspend, standstill
Queen Wands - female or effective, forceful, vibrant
King Wands - male or dynamic, productive, accomplished
Pentacles - element Earth - Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Earth = Prosperity, the body
Ace Pentacles - success, well-being, fortunate
2 Pentacles - adaptable, changeable, versatile
3 Pentacles - concepts, ideas, planning
4 Pentacles - cautious, mindful, careful
5 Pentacles - neediness, lack, poverty
6 Pentacles - charity, gift, beneficence
7 Pentacles - risk, gamble, adventure
8 Pentacles - skill, employment, career
9 Pentacles - ambitious, acquire, income
10 Pentacles-attainment, profit, benefit
Earth sign person or characteristics of card
Page Pentacles - youth f/m or willpower, determination, purpose
Knight Pentacles - young male or constructive, practical, functional
Queen Pentacles - female or rewarding, useful, worthwhile
King Pentacles - male or acquisitive, money-making, worldly
Swords - element Air - Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Air = intellect, the mind  
Ace Swords - intensity, focus, power
2 Swords - calm, agreement, truce
3 Swords - sorrow, separation, regret
4 Swords - improving, isolation, recovery
5 Swords - adversary, competitor, rival
6 Swords - improvement, passage, journey
7 Swords - foresight, new plans, confidence
8 Swords - restriction, limitation, inhibition
9 Swords - anxiety, despair, anguish
10 Swords-trouble, sorrow, suffering
Air sign person or characteristics of card
Page Swords - youth m/f or introspective, self-analysis, shy
Knight Swords - young male or retroactive, nostalgic, background
Queen Swords - female or consideration, discussion, understanding
King Swords - male or commanding, powerful, strategic
Cups - element Water - Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Water = feelings, the heart
Ace Cups - love, devotion, spirituality
2 Cups - love, friendship, marriage
3 Cups - celebration, ceremony, occasion
4 Cups - dispirited, forlorn, sad
5 Cups - partial loss, disappointment, disheartened
6 Cups - memories, childhood, remembrance
7 Cups - dream, fantasy, desire
8 Cups - departure, withdrawal, temptation
9 Cups - happiness,enchanted, euphoria
10 Cups-fulfillment, joy, contentment,
Water sign person or characteristics of card
Page Cups - youth m/f or supportive, congenial, nurture
Knight Cups -  young male or  proposal, present, supplier
Queen Cups - female or loving, gentle, yielding
King Cups - male or desire, passion, demand

Simple Yes / No Answers with Tarot

Do they like/love/hate you? Do they feel ____ ?

The Fool – Yes
The Magician – Yes
The High Priestess – No
The Empress – Yes
The Emperor – Yes
The Hierophant – Yes
The Lovers – Maybe
The Chariot – No
Strength – Yes
The Hermit – No
The Wheel – Maybe
Justice – Maybe
The Hanged Man – Yes
Death – No
Temperance – Yes
The Devil – No
The Tower – No
The Star – Yes
The Moon – Maybe
The Sun – Yes
Judgment – Maybe
The World – Yes

Ace of Wands – Yes
Ace of Cups – Yes
Ace of Swords – Yes
Ace of Pentacles – Yes

Two of Wands – Maybe
Two of Cups – Yes
Two of Swords – Maybe
Two of Pentacles – Maybe

Three of Wands – Yes
Three of Cups – Yes
Three of Swords – No
Three of Pentacles – Yes

Four of Wands – Yes
Four of Cups – No
Four of Swords – Maybe
Four of Pentacles – No

Five of Wands – No
Five of Cups – No
Five of Swords – No
Five of Pentacles – No

Six of Wands – Yes
Six of Cups – Yes
Six of Swords – Yes
Six of Pentacles – Maybe

7 of Wands – No
7 of Cups – No
7 of Swords – No
7 of Pentacles – Maybe

8 of Wands – Yes
8 of Cups – No
8 of Swords – No
8 of Pentacles – No

9 of Wands – No
9 of Cups – Yes
9 of Swords – No
9 of Pentacles – No

10 of Wands – No
10 of Cups – Yes
10 of Swords – No
10 of Pentacles – Yes

Wands – Yes
Cups – Yes
Swords – Yes
Pentacles – Yes

Wands – Yes
Cups – Yes
Swords – Yes
Pentacles – Yes

Wands – Yes
Cups – Yes
Swords – Maybe
Pentacles – Yes

Wands – Yes
Cups – Yes
Swords – Maybe
Pentacles –Yes

Saturday, September 14, 2013

10 of Swords - Feelings

(My apologies, I made this post years ago and included the wrong picture. This is the correct one.)
10 is associated as the number of completion. Something ends, but, something also begins. As far as feelings go, they don't wanna be friends/lovers with you anymore. Wants to end things. OR Wants a new beginning - to move on from the past with/without you. Maybe they don't care anymore. Maybe they're done with you. No positive feelings at all. You stabbed them in the back too many times. Or they stabbed YOU in the back one too many times - whether they know it or not - and they just don't give a fuck either way. You mean nothing to them - anymore. OR, depending on the question, it could be an ending about how they feel - meaning: they have transitioned from one level to the next. Whether romantically or platonically, starting over ain't worth shit to them. They don't want to. The friendship/relationship ain't goin nowhere. They feel like the bridge is burnt for good and they're happier without you around. They moved on and they're happier.

Or, vice versa and this is how you feel. Or, maybe you need to feel/do this. These thoughts are all possible. I know it seems like when you read this I go from bad to good and back and forth. It's the ideas that come into my head at the time while I'm typing. This card could mean a number of things but main focus is completion/ending, etc.

8 of Pentacles - Feelings

He/She/They feel like the same situation keeps happening and they're getting sick of it. You keep doin the same shit all the time. STOP IT! It's just a big ass circle you're both/all in. They're losing interest in you as a friend/lover. It's the same routine. There's no spice or change. Maybe you're boring them. You have a draining effect on them. If they're gossipers and they feel this way they will definitely go around talkin shit about you to others. Don't be surprised if they tell you flat out to "leave me/us the fuck alone"!

Stop and think about what you're doing. Why is this person or people feelin like this towards you? Are you the one being annoying talkin to much? Playin games? Bringing up the same old shit from the past all the time? STOP IT! Let go of the past and give him/her/them some space, for real. You're being that person nobody wants to trust or fuck with. People are ignoring you on purpose.

Or vice versa. Maybe this is how you feel about him/her/them. Either way, it sounds like a shitty situation. Switch it up or bounce.